we're glad you're here

It’s been said that a website has become the front door for greeting visitors. So, consider yourself invited in with a warm smile and a friendly handshake.
to get to know us.

and look around.
If you have any questions, we’re just a click or a call away.
We hope that after spending some time with us here, you will come visit us in person. We would love to meet you.
But, more important than spending time with us and getting to know us, we hope that you are spending time with the Lord (somewhere) and are getting to know Him.
We want our website to be more than the front door to Bible Covenant Community Church. We want it to be an open door that leads to a good and right, personal relationship with God.

All this is for your sake, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 4:15
Reaching UP. Reaching IN. Reaching OUT.
What's it all about?
At BCCC, it's our purpose for being a church and our process for doing what God calls us and commands us to do. Read more.
deeper faith

through Prayer, Bible Study, and Worship
to God

through Prayer, Caring & Sharing, and Togetherness
to the Church
deeper relationships

deeper purpose

through the service of
Praying, Giving, and Going
to Others

Knowledge .. Discipleship .. Ministry .. Fellowship .. Generosity .. Stewardship .. Community .. Missions
REACH! --- meaning “to stretch or extend in a specified direction in order to touch or grasp something”. It involves movement. It implies effort. You can’t lean back, relax, stay comfortable – and reach that specific something that you want. How much energy you are willing to spend depends on how badly you want what you’re reaching for. The more it means to you, the farther you are willing to stretch and extend yourself.
What are you reaching for today?
(click on the image below)
We are here for you!
How can we help you?
Here are some of the CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES for you to come reach with us at Bible Covenant.
Mark your calendar for these UPCOMING
studies, events, and ministries.
(hover on the event box for more details)

Adult Sunday School
Suspended Until 10/27
Morning Service
Revision Series
Evening Service
Currently Suspended

Current Studies
to help you grow in knowledge
of God's word, will, and ways; and increase your faith.

Meet & Greet Social
Men's Breakfast
Ladies' Night

Current Gatherings & Events
to help you make connections
and build relationships.

White Oaks Nursing Home
Blessing Bags
Missions Support

Current Ministries
to help you utilize your gifts;
and discover your
passion and purpose.
"It's a Cover Up!"
Wear your favorite apron for a time of
fun and inspiration.

This Sunday
"It's a Cover Up!"
Wear your favorite apron for a time of fun
and inspiration.
Sat. Nov. 9
Pray continually
without ceasing.
1 Thes. 5:17

Nov. 14-17
This is the day that
the Lord has made
Ps. 118:24!
With Us
All proceeds will go to
the Burton family to
help with expenses
during cancer treatment.